package your genius - 5 steps to build your most powerful personal brand
You have life-changing gifts and talents for a reason, but not enough people know your name. It’s time to make yourself and your work VISIBLE…
Despite being incredibly hard workers who execute flawlessly on the job, many high achievers still struggle with self-promotion. If you've been working hard for your employer, or delivering exceptional results for clients, you may think that your work should "speak for itself,” and perhaps it should. But in the digital age, a great work product isn't enough anymore. In order to get the opportunities your skills have earned, you must do your part to share your story, your message and your skills with the world. You must build your most powerful personal brand.
But how do you get going?
In Package Your Genius, Amanda Miller Littlejohn shares a powerful, proven framework for building a personal brand that continuously attracts business and career opportunities. You’ll learn how to package your genius by discovering:
what’s keeping you from going after the recognition you crave;
how to achieve CLARITY on what you have to offer the world;
the five elements of personal brand positioning;
what you should share on social media to position yourself as an expert;
how to narrow down your brand and focus on your unique areas of opportunity;
the roles of social media, public speaking, content and media in personal branding;
how psychology plays a part in becoming more visible;
what to do when you feel your career, business or brand no longer brings you fulfillment; and much more.
Passed over for promotions? Overlooked by potential clients? Not on the radar of those who matter? If you're tired of feeling INVISIBLE in your industry, herein lies the process to position yourself as the expert you are. It’s time for you to package your genius so you can create the opportunity you deserve!
The package your genius Companion Personal Branding Workbook
This workbook was developed to serve as a companion and personalized journal to the book Package Your Genius: 5 Steps to Build Your Most Powerful Personal Brand. This workbook does not replace the book, and should be used in conjunction with the main text to capture your thoughts and help you create a plan of action.
Consider this a 'find yourself journal' and career workbook. Use it alongside Package Your Genius to help you find your purpose in life, find your career path, and how you stand out doing the work you love. With over 150 career questions and journaling prompts to guide you, this is one of the best workbooks to find your purpose and find your gift.
The Brand with Purpose 12-month personal branding Planner
designed for high achievers who want to map out their personal branding activities for the coming year.
Use the gorgeous full-color, 12-month planner to craft a plan for your platform + visibility + revenue to work in harmony to increase your bottom line next year!
When it comes to a solid platform, visibility, and revenue, most people have one or two of the key elements but not all three. They may have a solid platform and visibility but not enough revenue. Or they're generating some revenue, but they're missing key platform elements, and as a result have low visibility. Or maybe they have great platform content (i.e. a fantastic podcast or book) but no visibility strategy to drive traffic, and no monetization strategy to drive revenue. That's where our planner and process comes in.
Once you understand how your platform + your visibility + your revenue all work together, you’ll be able to plug the holes in your existing strategy and design a Brand with Purpose Visibility and Profit Plan for the year that plays off your strengths, and doesn’t force you to become something you’re not for the sake of being seen.
Use this planner to plot the strategic actions that will help you generate consistent awareness about your wins, key assets for your brand, and additional revenue to your bottom line. Map the moves that will help you become top of mind in your industry, all while being fully seen and visible for the true expert that you are!
The Full-Color Brand with Purpose Planner Includes:
Annual Vision-Setting Pages
Annual Questions for Reflection
Annual Platform, Visibility, and Goal-Setting Pages
Quarterly Vision and Goal-Setting Pages
Quarterly Questions for Reflection
Quarterly Brand Update Reminders
Quarterly Major Projects Brain Dump
Monthly Calendar (Undated)
Monthly Platform, Visibility, and Goal-Setting Pages
Monthly Questions for Reflection
Monthly Social Media Content Brainstorm and Calendar
Monthly Major Projects Brain Dump
A Year-In-Review Reflection Space
An Additional 12 Pages for Notes, To Dos, and Contact Management
Studies show those who write down their goals and create a plan are twice as likely to achieve them. Use this planner to hold yourself accountable to the momentum you want to create for your personal brand and business this year.
Brand with Purpose: Track your wins. Reflect on your success. Hold yourself accountable.
Write your story: a step-by-step creative writing workbook for kids and teens
A 'write your own book' workbook created for kids and teens.
Do you know an exceptionally creative child with writing talent?
Is your child a great storyteller or a talented illustrator, with a gift for bringing stories to life?
Have you ever wondered how to help them turn their imaginative stories in an actual book?
If so, this guided creative writing workbook was designed with your creative young person in mind!
This Write Your Story creative writing workbook will guide the child step-by-step through a process to:
understand their intended reader
choose their main characters
design their story's setting in detail
think through the main conflict
build out a compelling plot
include a moral or lesson
The Write Your Story Workbook was created by middle school mom and former journalist, Amanda Miller Littlejohn. She helped her son Connor package a creative writing assignment from school into a published book when he was only 9 years old! He went on to write the three-book Tag, You're It! series for kids before finishing 5th grade. To date, he's sold hundreds of copies of his fun books to young readers around the world.
After seeing her son's confidence soar and witnessing other children become inspired to try their hand at writing, Littlejohn had to do something! So she created a tool that would empower more young people to write!
Is the world's next great novelist living under your roof?
If your child has imagination to spare, and you've been looking for a write your own book tool designed with young people in mind, use this step-by-step workbook to help them package it into a publishable story they can share with the world!
With writing prompts and ample space to brainstorm, sketch, color, or write, your child can make it their own! This workbook includes a list of free self-publishing resources and is the perfect gift for a young writer who wants to create their own comic book, short story, or novel.
Ordering more than 20 copies of any book for your group, conference, or company event?
Contact us for bulk order pricing at support [at] packageyourgeniusacademy [dot] com