October 2016
location tbd • online
Details coming soon.
Package your genius live
Whether you’ve spent the last decade in a large organization, or the past five years in the trenches building a successful business of your own, you’re probably accustomed to working behind the scenes and aren’t sure how to talk about your expertise, your accomplishments or your capabilities.
Your knowledge is valuable and you can build a thriving, tailored-to-you business based on it. Even if you’ve always worked for someone else in the past, you can package your expertise and experience to sell now. When you implement these simple strategies, you could replace and even exceed your previous income from your day job by monetizing what you know.
What if this time NEXT year, you looked back over the last twelve months to see greater awareness of your services and products, more media exposure, happy customers and unbelievable sales?
Moreover, what if you were doing all of this on your own terms, working with who you want to work with, doing what you love?
It’s all possible.